Unlock AI that takes your marketing to the next level

If you do any kind of online advertising you can now super charge your results with artificial intelligence.

After more than a year of continuous use, MDigital has partnered with Trapica to bring next gen marketing AI for Australia and New Zealand.

Take a look at what Trapica can do for you! Book a demo.

MDigital’s Experience

These are the results we achieved for our Australian clients at MDigital using Trapica:


Satisfied Clients


Increased Productivity


Reduce CPA


Average increase in roas

The AI Era of Digital Marketing

If you’re not using AI to power your online marketing efforts: you’re going to get left behind.

If you do any kind of online advertising, you can use AI powered Trapica to automate your campaigns. Super simple to use, without the need for manual pre-definition from your end. Just plug Trapica into your ad accounts and the market automation does the rest.  

Trapica’s Marketing Automation Products

These are just a few of the products in your Trapica AI arsenal

Automated Campaign Management

Less time spent manually optimising campaigns to improve your conversions & CPA’s. Let Trapica do it for you.

Autonomous Creatives

Bring AI power to the optimisation of your ad creatives. Trapica tests, scores & gives insights on your ad creatives.

Cross Channel AI

Use Trapica on multiple ad channels: learn more about your audience’s behaviour across ad channels & use AI powered autonomous cross channel budget management to utilise your budget more effectively & increase ROI.

Audience Discovery Insights

Trapica’s powerful AI gives you superior intel on your customers and potential customers. Learn more about each step of your audience through the funnel and find brand new audiences for your products or service.

Ad Bidding and Ad Scaling

Bring the power of AI to your ads so you can automate ad scaling when campaigns are flying. Trapica AI will target the right audiences based on your conversion objectives.

Audience Targeting Optimisation

Analyse your online and offline audiences across ad channels for powerful insights. Trapica can also analyse your competitors data so you can stay one step ahead of the game.

What other marketers have to say

Don’t take MDigital’s word for it.  Marketers across the globe are raving about the power of Trapica

“Were able to scale our budget faster.”

By using Trapica on our social campaigns, we reached higher intent audiences at lower CPAs and were able to scale our budget faster.

Chief Marketing Officer, Oribi

“Our audience targeting is more efficient than ever”.

Trapica is an integral part of our team’s social media strategy and is driving the success of our campaigns. The platform’s unique ability to optimize in real-time means our audience targeting is more efficient than ever.

Senior Director of Marketing, NBC Universal

“Results that make our partnership a no brainer.”

Trapica has consistently proven to get CPAs below what we see with the platform algorithms alone. The ROI has been strong through multiple tests and evaluations.

Senior Director of Marketing, Homer Learning

“Delivers consistently on their promise to scale efficiently”

“Trapica delivers consistently on their promise to find and scale wins efficiently. They’re responsive and adept at moving quickly to adjust strategy when goals change from quarter to quarter.”

Growth Marketing Manager, Nom Nom

Trapica is Trusted by Top Companies Around the Globe

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trapica clients
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trapica client

Manage All Your Cross Channel Marketing in 1 Place

Trapica’s Cross-Channel functionality brings significant increased learnings and audience sharing.  You can see what your audience and customers do at different stages of the marketing funnel across different channels, giving you instant intel & the ability to make more informed decisions. 

The budget automation feature cross channel means you get to adjust your spend on the different channels according to which is performing better – even when you’re sleeping!

Increase Your Productivity & Efficiency

Trapica has a range of products that save you time and money

trapica ad planning

Ad Planning

Trapica’s Ad Planning tool allows you to plan and track your campaigns and budgets across multiple ad channels.

trapica marketing kpi

Marketing KPI Tracker

Unite your marketing team around your measureable marketing KPIs and track them in one place.

trapica analytics

Marketing Analytics

Combine your ad analytics from multiple ad channels, so you can see your campaign data in an easy view enhanced with powerful insights.

Marketing AI for Australia & NZ!

Scenario 1

You’re a busy Marketing Manager.  Chances are you have one team (agency or person) managing your Facebook and Instagram ads and someone else managing your Google AdWords or Twitter or Linked In.  Wouldn’t it be fantastic if you could see, analyse and get insights into all those ad channel performances in one easy view.  What if you could bid and scale your ads on each of those platforms in an automated way? Wouldn’t it be even better if the system would automatically turn your creatives on and off depending on performance.  And better still what if you could automate your budget management across the different channels?  So when Google Adwords are outperforming your Facebook Ads, more budget could be allocated there even – when you’re tucked up in bed.  Welcome to the world of Trapica.

Scenario 2

You’re a brand owner / business person growing your company.  You or your Marketing Assistants are super busy.  Social and Digital content creation and managment takes us a huge amount of your time. You guys try and stay on top of your Facebook and Google Ads but you are nowhere near as proactive with your optimisation as you’d like to be. You just can’t be across everything all at once – right? You need AI to help you work smarter not harder, to increase your productivity and give you insights that help you make quick decisions. Plus it is SUPER important for you to increase return on investment with your ad spend, get more conversions and decrease your cost per aquisition.  Welcome to the world of Trapica

Marketing AI for Australia

MDigital Partners with Trapica


I made this video testimonial after 5 months of continuous use with Trapica.  After a year and a half we decided to partner with Trapica to bring this incredible AI marketing platform to the Australian market.

Get yourself a demo.  Try it out. Your marketing will never be the same again.

Miranda Bond

CEO, MDigital

Answers to Your Questions

What are the costs and packages?

Trapica charges on a monthly basis and that cost is dependent on your volume of traffic and your digital advertising spend.  There are 3 main packages, Standard, Pro and Enterprise but Trapica also has a special package for early stage companies with fewer than 15 employees who are looking to scale.  We will discuss costs with you when you demo.

I’m an agency, can we white label?

Yes, as an agency you will have your own dashboard and account but you will have separate dashboards for each client. You control permissions and access for your clients.

Can I test the product out?

We recommend you sign up for Trapica & put the product to test against the standard algorithms of your ad channels. You will start saving straight away, but we advise giving Trapica a go for several months because it gets even better!

What’s MDigital’s relationship to Trapica?

We’ve been using Trapica with our clients for the last year and a half and we’ve been blown away by the results. Watch the video above for some details. After becoming Trapica cheer leaders we approached Trapica to talk about how we could introduce the platform to more Australian brands and agencies and the upshot of that was MDigital becoming Trapica affiliates.

How does MDigital help Australian and NZ businesses with Trapica?

We’ve been there and done that with Trapica, we’ve tried all aspects of the application and add on products and we are perfectly positioned (from extensive experience) to help you determine if this product is right for your business.  As we are Australian (based in Wollongong and Sydney), we are on Sydney time and able to chat to you, give you live demos and help you get started with Trapica.

Is Trapica just for agencies?

Absolutely not, Trapica is AMAZING for brands & e-commerce sites looking to scale.

Unlock AI that takes your marketing to the next level

If you do any kind of online advertising and you’re based in Australia or New Zealand; you can now super charge your results with artificial intelligence.

MDigital has partnered with Trapica to bring next gen marketing AI for Australia & NZ.

Take a look at what Trapica can do for you! Book a demo.

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